APS March Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2023.

Unraveling the Future of Physics at the APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas

A few weeks ago, I had the exciting opportunity to attend the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event showcased the talents of physicists and professionals from around the world in the realms of physics, mathematics, computer science, and collaboration. As a representative of SageMath, Inc., I was thrilled to introduce our platform, CoCalc, to an array of diverse participants and join them in pushing the boundaries of physics research.

The conference offered numerous informative events for both first-time attendees and seasoned professionals. With a dynamic schedule covering a wide range of topics, the APS March Meeting 2023 was truly an awe-inspiring experience.

Conference Highlights:

  • Groundbreaking physics research presentations
  • Career mentoring and networking workshops
  • Cutting-edge computational tool tutorials
  • In-depth discussions on diversity, equity, and inclusion in physics
  • Memorable public lectures, performances, and receptions

Diversity, equity, and inclusion were integral parts of the conference. Sessions like the LGBTQ+ Roundtable, Mental Health Roundtable, and National Society of Black Physicists/National Society of Hispanic Physicists Reception demonstrated the commitment to breaking down barriers within the scientific community.

Physics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Applied Science

Event Organizer
American Physical Society

SageMath, Inc.

March 5th- 10th, 2023

As I moved through the conference, I found myself constantly inspired by the passion of the attendees, the depth of knowledge shared in scientific sessions, and the innovative spirit of collaboration that filled the air.

With the conference now at its end, I carry the lessons learned, the connections made, and the inspiration drawn from this unforgettable experience into my work at SageMath on CoCalc—a platform that aims to foster collaboration and support research in the physics community.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Abundant collaboration and networking opportunities
  2. Inspiring scientific sessions highlighting cutting-edge physics research
  3. A strong focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion
  4. Eager physicists learning, growing, and pushing boundaries

My experience at the APS March Meeting 2023 was one I will forever treasure. It has fueled my passion for understanding the universe around us and inspired me to continue advancing our collective knowledge by supporting physics research and collaboration.

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